With the investment, Berekfürdő Energy Ltd uses the methane accompanying gas originating from the thermal wells of Berekfürdő for the generation of electric power and heat, and then sells the produced energy.
With the investment, Berekfürdő Energy Ltd uses the methane accompanying gas originating from the thermal wells of Berekfürdő for the generation of electric power and heat, and then sells the produced energy: the electric power is fed into the national grid, whereas heat is used for the heating of the public swimming facilities and the surrounding public buildings. In the framework of the project, the accompanying gas containing 90–95% methane is separated from the thermal water, and then transmitted via a closed internal pipeline network to the small power plant in order to be burnt for energy generation. The necessary equipment is installed in a purpose-built facility designed to harmonize with the given environment, and therefore the potential noise level also remains at the minimum.
Beside the prevention of pollution, the goal of the investment has been the domestic production of energy from an environmentally friendly source. The implementation of the project reduces the emission of greenhouse gases, as the gas-utilizing equipment releases only water vapor, as well as carbon dioxide, which is still much less harmful to the climate than methane. As an entity belonging to PannErgy Group, Berekfürdő Energy Ltd generates electric power from the methane extracted from geothermal sources, and sells heat to local customers.
The advancement of civilisation is accompanied by harmful emissions on an ever increasing scale. It is our shared responsibility to counteract this process, before it becomes irreversible. PannErgy Group has resolved to pioneer the development of geopolitically independent, environmentally friendly projects, aimed at generating geothermal energy for both domestic households and business consumers.Gyimóthy Dénes
PannErgy Plc. Chairman
30 September 2010
PannErgy Geotermikus Erőművek Zrt. concludes a sale and purchase agreement, acquiring sole ownership of Berekfürdő Energia Termelő és Szolgáltató Kft. Through the transaction, PannErgy Group expands its alternative energy portfolio with a power plant fuelled with the methane content of thermal water, as well as the associated technological expertise.
Deemed to be sustainable for long, this investment forestalls a considerable volume of greenhouse gas emission, as the quantity of methane released will drop by 470 tons. In consequence – with respect to the indirect impacts caused by the energy generation of the small power plant –, the emission of greenhouse gases will be smaller by some 12 thousand tons when expressed in carbon dioxide equivalent.
The Szentlőrinc Geothermal System consists of a production well and a reinjection well, pipelines connecting the wells with the heat centre, as well as the engineering, power and control engineering facilities in the latter.
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